Embracing the 10 foundational Roots of being a Primitive DIVA
Remember- a tree can only be as strong as its roots!
The diet of our primitive ancestors did NOT contain refined sugar,HFCS, processed GMO grains,Canned foods, Pasteurized, Homogenized dairy, heat refined vegetable oils, synthetic vitamins, toxic additives, food coloring….the list is exhaustive with chemical components that make up our SAD (Standard American Diet) diet of FRANKENFOODS! It has created a need for us to get back (WAY back) to basics and begin to Hunt and Gather, just like our ancestors. Only we have to hunt in modern, day big box mega-supermarkets instead of the wild. I don't know about you....but I think its safer in the wild than a dinner hour mad rush at my local market-YIKES! So here are the ROOTS to becoming a Primitive Diva....Please share your questions, and I will answer them over the next few weeks.
•Hunting and Gathering ~(at your local farm or farmers market, Divas!) quality sources of pastured, grass fed or wild caught protein (all forms, including organ meats, fowl/poultry, fish and eggs),Raised as nature intended/environment/food-- lots of colorful ORGANIC vegetables, some select fruits (mostly berries),Nuts and seeds(soaked and sprouted) and healthy fats (that come from cold pressed nuts, avocados, olives,coconuts and ANIMAL fats like butter,lard,tallow-).Your body needs these healthy fats for proper metabolism of nutrients and to maintain hormone levels. I also promote the consumption of moderate amounts of raw dairy from cows/goats. This includes milk, cheese, kefir and yogurt—MAKE sure these are sourced from a trusted and respected dairy farmer! 40% of your diet should consist of animal protein/fats and 60% vegetable/plant based with a focus on greens/nuts and seeds and berries- source foods that are RAW, sprouted/cultured/fermented or minimally cooked. This will offer true nourishment that your body needs and craves. Eliminate grains, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, starches/sugars, trans- and hydrogenated fats (processed vegetable fats), fast foods and “Franken-Foods” from your diet. Ask yourself a very simple question before you choose you food—Would my Primitive Diva Sister have recognized this as food some 40,000 years ago? If not, put it down…its NOT food!
"Animal fat and protein was the nutritional mainstay of our ancestors. If they happened upon a thicket of berries, no doubt they partook but the core of their diet was animal flesh and animal fat. "yes, and they didn't carry a bucket or plastic baggies to fill up for later either. they ate what could fit in their hand as they kept moving......Instant portion control!
2) SUN~ Vitamin D - Contrary to the scare tactics of the media and sunscreen manufacturers (who suggest you shun the sun), My well researched, Primitive philosophy suggest that you get some direct sunlight every day. Certainly not so much that you even come close to burning, but definitely enough to prompt your body to make the all-important vitamin D and to support the mood-lifting benefits.*There is a increasing Vitamin D deficiency in this country- with the onslaught of marketed sunscreens and avoidance. –RESPECT the sun 30 minutes a day. Dry skin brushing prior to a sun bath! A slight tan is a good indicator that you have maintained adequate Vitamin D levels. Natural sunlight also has a powerful HAPPINESS effect.
3) PLAY~ Throw off those high heels and go barefoot! Get your Vitamin N…(NATURE.Spend some time outdoors in the fresh air each week involved in active play and truly reconnecting with nature. In addition to efficiently combining your fitness to a real-life situation, nature based play helps dissolve some of the negative effects of the chronic stress hormones you’ve been creating in your ever hectic and crazy, stress filled life. Do some form of intense anaerobic sprint bursts several times a week (playing chase with your kiddo’s or the dog). This could be as simple as a few short sprints up a hill, on the grass, at the beach… or repeated intense sessions on a bicycle (stationary, road or mountain bike). These short bursts also increase HGH release (HGH is actually released in proportion to the intensity (not the duration) of the exercise).
4) SLEEP~ Ahhhhh.....nothing is more important to a girl than ”beauty sleep”! Our lives are so hectic and full of things to do after the sun goes down that it’s often difficult to get enough sleep. Yet sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health, vibrant energy, a strong immune system and balanced hormones. Your body requires 8+ hours of sleep every night. Less than 6 hours, can lead to insulin resistance and hormonal dysregulation as well as increased risk of cancer. Be sure the room you sleep in is as dark as possible (Ladies, think CAVE!) no night lights or wear a soft eye mask. Unplug all electrical appliances (EMF disturbance)—Avoid carbohydrates, including alcohol (drink your red wine early ladies)before bed as these can interfere with deep restorative sleep.
5) WATER~ Pure fresh hydration. Staying hydrated is THE basic principle for all of the bodies metabolic processes. It keeps our energy and metabolism humming, cleanses waste from our cells and keeps our skin plump and wrinkle free!
6) SLOW DOWN~ Take a walk, clear your mind, practice YOGA or Tai Chi, and meditate. Take time daily to quieten your mind and listen to your soul. Meditate don’t Medicate…..Stress can wreak havoc on all of your attempts at living a healthy and primitive life- Let IT Go!
7) Strong BODY ~Build physical strength with functional fitness. Resistance exercises will keep your bones strong and your metabolism fired up. Did our primitive ancestors have gym memberships? They hunted, gathered, foraged, wandered, scouted, migrated, climbed and crawled. The women carried their babies much of the time (hey, no nannies in those days), as well as bundles of firewood, or whatever they had gathered. Remember “Lift like a man BUT look like a GODDESS” So throw off those Nikes, find something heavy to lift, climb a tree, swim in the ocean and Just do it! No gym needed….spend those fees on a massage and a mani-pedi!
8) Strong MIND~ Build mental strength. Keep your mind healthy, strong and sharp. Put your tiara’s away on the shelf and grab some interesting books. Expand your knowledge of anything you can dream. It’s VERY empowering! Instead of the boob tube----read your favorite book. Knowledge is one of the few few precious things that cannot be taken from you.
9) Naked Beauty~ Beauty starts from the inside out with healthy living. However, we must keep the same primitive philosophy that we use on our food choices as on our skin. It is the largest organ of the body! Choose pure, chemical free, natural and indigenous ingredients when it comes to skincare. Read the labels ladies-would you eat it? If not, don’t put it on your skin! I have tons of recipes to share in the book on smoothies for your hair /skin primitive diva tooth polish and body scrub... ALL from the garden and your kitchen! Think outside of the box(the toxic chemical cosmetic box, that is!)
Lastly, remember part of being a Primitive Diva, is to nurture and heal the earth…
10) HEAL The EARTH~ Give back to the earth...Recycle/Reuse/Reduce our use and reliance on plastics (BPA), Compost (FLIRT with the DIRT). Avoid chemicals and fertilizers that can harm our families and pets, destroy our water supply and poison our soil. Remember, if those before us had completely trashed the world-**They tried! we would not be here right now
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” ~Native American Proverb
Be strong, Be healthy and Be primitive~ MUAH!
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