In the beginning of my upcoming book, I ask...."Where did we go wrong" with our modern day food and lifestyle choices? Several weeks ago, a lady was jailed for growing vegetables in her front yard! Apparently the landscape choices did not meet the definition of "suitable planting" that was allowed by her local city government. Now this week, it becomes an even more imperative question after a SWAT style raid on RAWESOME (Real Food Buying Club/COOP)in Los Angeles. Our governments actions are becoming absurd and sickening to me. People- we have troops dying every day to protect our freedom(s) and our rights, to not suffer under government dictatorship.The charge...well-it must be farmageddon as it appears to be the sale of raw unpasteurized milk!!! (the same milk that anyone alive 50 years ago would have been raised on) There was no illness outbreak and its not illegal in the state of California. The directors and farmers of this coop are behind bars with excessive bail amounts. All the while, a corporation like Cargill makes dozens of people sick for months with bad ground turkey, and goes its merry way without even a recall. Really? To quote the title of Joel Salatins' new book- "Folks, this ain't normal"!
I am sharing several videos that I found very informative and also very disturbing. As an advocate of REAL food and ongoing challenge of others to "know where their food comes from", I have become an illegal gang leader of sorts. Have you seen a local struggle in your own community when it comes to obtaining REAL food? If so, please share by leaving your comments below!
Interview:Mike Adams (part 1 of 2)
Interview: Mike Adams (part 2 of 2)
Cartoon sourced from www.counterthink.com
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