I began the Oil Cleansing Method a few years ago. I have always used a combination of Coconut Oil and a drop of Tea Tree oil and Lavender. I recently read a suggestion to incorporate Castor and Olive oils to my routine for extra nourishment of my skin.I wanted to share with you the steps, recipe and instructions on making your own oil cleanser.....My personal blend: 1 teaspoon of oil cleanser that is 70% coconut oil/20% olive oil/10% Castor oil with a drop of tea tree oil.
Clear, glowing, dewy-looking skin, free of wrinkles, creases,discoloration, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and other imperfections seems to be an elusive goal. The booming skin care industry would have you believe the same with their claims of the need to rid your skin of oil completely and apply burning chemicals in order to avoid these imperfections.We need to cleanse the impurities not strip the oils.Oils dissolve oils, right?
It might sound a little odd to clean your face with an oil, especially if you have oily skin. But contrary to popular belief, oil does not cause oily skin or acne. That culprit is usually a combination of hormones, trapped bacteria, and dirt.
Like your hair, the sebum that the skin secretes is actually good for your skin — it’s there to protect it from the outside environment, and to keep harmful things from seeping in. Since water doesn’t break up oil, most commercial cleansers are marketed with the “oil free” stamp of approval, making them easy to splash off.
When skin’s natural oils are removed, the body’s reaction is to compensate by producing more oil, much like shampoo does with our hair. Or if your skin is dry, it’s because all the oil has been stripped away, and your body doesn’t compensate by replenishing it (that was my case).
Here’s a direct quote from acne.org:
“Oil dissolves oil. One of the most basic principals of chemistry is that “like dissolves like.” The best way to desolve a non-polar solvent like sebum/oil, is by using another non-polar solvent similar in composition: other oils. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that heal, protect and nourish your skin. When done properly and consistently, the OCM can clear the skin from issues like oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by mild to moderate acne–while leaving your skin healthy, balanced and properly moisturized.”
So in essence, good-quality oil is the perfect substance for cleaning sensitive skin, such as on our face, because it helps gently remove the dirty oil and replaces it with good, nourishing, healing oil.
While we're talking about clarifying your skin externally, we must also touch on the internal aspect. WATER! Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day. If your skin has issues with blemishes, drink up! Water will help release and remove the toxins from within, lessening the load on your skin to push the toxins out.It will also keep your entire body hydrated, including plump, nourished and glowing skin.
The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. Should you need it, the smallest drop of the same oil formula patted over damp skin will provide the necessary lubrication to keep your skin from over-compensating in oil production.
Let me share the instructions for using the Olive and Castor oils. I have personally incorporated Coconut oils as a trio blend, for the added anti-viral benefit of CCO and I love the results!
Oil Cleansing Method:
What is needed? The first, and most important ingredient, is Castor Oil.It has many medicinal qualities and will benefit your skin immensely. Though it may be our most important oil, we won't be using it in the amounts that we will the other oil (or combination of oils for those who want to take this a step further). A little bit of Castor Oil goes a long way and too much will leave you, surprisingly, with dry skin. Since Castor Oil is so thick and its cleansing properties so strong, we must dilute it with another oil like sunflower, olive or coconut. Other beneficial oils to combine with Castor oil are jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and flaxseed oil, especially if their skin is very oily. I haven’t tried these personally, though.If your skin is on the dry side, almond oil and evening primrose oil are also good carrier oils.
Tea tree essential oil is a natural antiseptic, and is great for clearing up acne. Try a few drops into your OCM mixture. Only use a few drops — a little goes a long way.
1. Make your cleaner
Simply mix the oils together in a small bottle, give it a little shake, and you’ve got yourself a homemade, frugal facial cleanser. The most popular blend of oils for this cleansing method is castor oil and extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO). The castor oil draws out dirt and other gunk from your pores. The EVOO is a brilliant moisturizer, helping heal and nourish the skin.
• For those with normal skin, you could start off with a one-to-one ratio of castor oil and EVOO.
• For those with acne-prone or oily skin, reduce the proportion of EVOO, and try three parts castor oil to one part EVOO.
• For those with drier skin, start off with one part castor oil to three parts EVOO. This is what I use.
Experiment, and find what ratio works for you. Just start off with a little bit, and then try it for a few days. I began with one teaspoon of castor oil and three teaspoons of EVOO in a little squeeze bottle.
2. Gently rub it in
Pour a quarter-sized amount into your palm, rub your hands together, and slowly massage your skin with your fingertips. Don’t splash your face with water first — apply it dry. Work the oil into your skin for about a minute, and enjoy the peaceful massage at work. Don’t scrub — just rub.
3. Steam your face
Next, wet a washcloth with hot water (but not scalding!), and put it over your face until it’s about room temperature. This is steaming out your pores, removing the impurities and the dead skin cells. It’ll take about a minute — enjoy the nearly-free facial.
4. Wipe off the oil
Take the washcloth, rinse and wring it, then gently wipe off the oil. Your skin will probably feel softer immediately.
Enjoy the benefits
• If you’re like me, your skin will feel softer and look a bit brighter. It won’t feel tight, but it won’t be greasy, either. Olive oil has the same pH as human skin, so it’s the perfect cleansing balancer.
• The OCM also brilliantly removes makeup. It works better than make up removers. Much cheaper, too.
• You also probably won’t need to do this more than once per day. I do this at night, just before bed. In the morning, I simply splash my face with cold water to wake up. Every now and then, I’ll dab on a little bit of moisturizer, but I hardly need that anymore. I never thought I’d see that day.
So stay Primitive with your BEAUTY also Diva's!
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