As a FORMER beauty queen, free lance print model and simply being a female raised in the south, I certainly relate the sad but true "bondage" of self-image. In the past, like so many women, I would never leave the house without at least swiping on a quick coat of mascara, lip gloss or hiding behind sunglasses (*See DIVA, haha). However, over the years, I have slowly stepped away from the use and reliance of chemical cosmetics. I instead have focused of building beautiful ageless skin from the inside out. At an age...(Okay, I proudly admit that I am approaching 46)when I should be hiding age spots and wrinkles- I am embracing the natural character of my features by enhancing a glow that can be achieved ONLY with healthy fats, limiting sugar(highly inflammatory)and avoiding chemicals that can damage the skin and upset the bodies natural cycles.Instead of spending so much money each month of cosmetics, cover-ups and chemicals in a tube--have a relaxing, luxurious and nourishing spa facial (all natural Primitive Diva style, of course!)
Diva's,I know it sounds like such a simple idea- but when it comes down to it, you may be surprised by how hard it is to strip off that protective layer, step out of your comfort zone, and deliberately show the world your makeup free faces.But...I know, that soon,you will feel much more comfortable bearing a fresh, makeup free healthy glow to the world. it’s scary to bare yourself to the world and then wait for their reaction, but the reaction will be good and imagine if we could overturn prevailing thoughts that a woman needs to hide behind makeup in order to be beautiful!
Nourishing your body with healthy foods, using natural skin care products and methods (i.e. dry brushing, oil cleansing, garden facials, sleep and respectful time in the sun) will give you a GLOW to SHOW. You will realize how liberating, inspiring, and, needless to say, time saving it can be! Ready? Set? Shine.....!
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