As a member and supporter of WAPF, I am excited to share the details of this years conference.What a great time this will be.....hope to see you there!
MythbustersOur 12th Annual Wise Traditions Conference
Friday, November 11
Saturday, November 12
Sunday, November 13
Plus bonus activities Monday, November 14
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Dallas, TX
Featured Speakers:
•Russ Bianchi, PhD, expert on high fructose corn syrup
•Leslie Bradshaw, producer of The Greater Good
•Jerry Brunetti, soil and animal health specialist
•Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome
•Jules Klapper, expert on dirty electricity
•Monica Corrado, holistic nutrition and food educator
•Thomas Cowan, MD, author of Fourfold Path to Healing
•Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story
•Robert Disney, environmental scientist
•Jacques Goulet, PhD, expert on trace minerals
•Kathy Kramer, CN, WAPF Office Manager
•Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
•Christy Hemenway, expert on beekeeping
•Lolin Hilgartner, DC, of the Seven Essential Dynamics of Health
•Peter Hilgartner DC, of the Seven Essential Dynamics of Health
•Kimberly Hartke, WAPF publicist and real food blogger
•Paul Jaminet, PhD, author of The Perfect Health Diet
•Sharon Kane, expert on gluten-free baking
•Datis Kharrazian, DC, author of Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?
•Liz Lipski, MS, CCN, author of Digestive Wellness
•Hugh Lovel, authority on biodynamics
•Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
•Richard Maurer, MD, metabolism expert
•Mark McAfee, CEO, Organic Pastures Dairy
•Judith McGeary, Esq, founder Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
•Joe Mercola, DO, author of The No-Grain Diet
•Denise Minger, China Study debunker
•Pentti Nupponen, DMD, holistic dentist
•Sally Pacholok, RN, co-author of Could It Be B12?
•Sarah Pope, of The Healthy Home Economist blog
•Ben Pratt, author of Nutrition's Playground
•Jessica Prentice, author of Full Moon Feast
•Tara Rayburn, the Healthy Habit Coach
•April RenĂ©e, vaccination expert
•Morton Satin, PhD, director of research, The Salt Institute
•Michael Schmidt, Canadian raw milk activist
•Pam Schoenfeld, RD, expert on vitamin B6
•Stephanie Seneff, PhD, authority on sulfur and human health
•Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, author of Surviving Mold
•Jeffrey Stuart, DO, co-author of Could It Be B12?
•Matt Stone, author of 180 Degree Nutrition
•Harvey Ussery, author of The Small Scale Poultry Flock
•Howard Vlieger, expert on GMO dangers
•Alan Yegerlehner, expert on integrated farming
•David Wetzel, expert on cod liver oil
•Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
•Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock
A Showcase for Delicious Traditional Food
A Unique Opportunity for Health Professionals and Laymen interested in Diet and Health
Who Should Attend Wise Traditions?
Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, parents, students, food writers, food providers, farmers, public servants, teachers, patients, activists, agriculture professionals, people interested in nutrition, people with no interest in nutrition, people who love to cook, people who hate to cook, people who like to eat, Baby Boomers concerned about their health, grandparents concerned about their grandchildren, couples who want healthy babies, people who want answers, people who love controversy. . . and You!
Full conference registration includes conference materials, Friday sessions, Friday lunch, Friday Dinner and Evening Activities, Saturday joint sessions, Saturday lunch, Saturday evening awards banquet, Sunday sessions and Sunday lunch.
By August 1 After August 1
Full Conference Student/Senior Member $290 $340
Full Conference Student/Senior Non-Member $315 $365
Full Conference Member $390 $440
Full Conference Non-Member $430 $480
Daily Conference Registration By August 1 After August 1
Daily Registration Student/Senior Member $120 $160
Daily Registration Student/Senior Non-Member $145 $185
Daily Registration Member $170 $210
Daily Registration Non-Member $210 $250
Friday Dinner and Events $60 $85
Saturday Evening Awards Banquet $75 $100
Monday Radical Nutrition Seminar (8-4, incudes lunch) $75 $85
Monday Farm Tour (8-4, includes lunch) $75 $85
Monday Poultry Workshop (8-4, includes lunch) $75 $85
Monday Pasture Workshop (8-4, incudes lunch) $75 $85
Monday Cooking Workshop (8-4, includes lunch) $75 $85
Thursday, November 10 FTCLDF On-Farm FundRAISER $75 $95
Visit http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2011/2134-2011-conference
ReplyDeletedo you know if there is a conference schedule online?
This is not a surprize. These clinics try and execute whereever they will. AN specialist, either a CRNA or MDA ought to are gift at minimum. it's a incontrovertible fact that Dental offices square measure permitting EMT's Paramedics to push medicine and sedate patients with medicine that a down pat degree nurse cannot. GI clinics are attempting to try to to a similar. Insurance Companys ought to be notified and these practices ought to be regulated and stopped. A fireman isn't a replacement for qualified Nurses, and Anesthetists.
ReplyDeleteBeauty Salon Weston