We are bombarded in the Nutrition profession about an ever increasing need of vitamin/mineral supplementation,for maintaining good basic health, avoiding deficiencies and strengthening immunity. This need is due to the inferior nutrient density of our current commercially raised produce. Have you ever pondered why this is,and how we can change that? Well, I have and its about (you guessed it) being more primitive, like our ancestors. What do you suppose they did with organic waste materials.....no garbage "disposal o matic" built in next to their fresh water streams. They would have allowed it to settle back into the natural cycle of our earth. We too can easily begin to replenish our soil and hopefully stop the ravaging and depletion activities that we seem so ignorantly engaged in. One of my favorite quotes, that I share often, and is VERY relevant to todays blog. I actually have this framed on my desk for a reminder (its more than being chic, eco-saavy and green. Its imperative that we take a new perspective):
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.
Being primitive is more than just how we eat it is just as important to incorporate this into a foundation of our lifestyle. I will be including an entire chapter of the step by step guide to composting in my book.Like how to build your own compost bin, the importance of layering brown, green and neutral scraps for the optimal composition of nutrients,nitogen and carbon. In the meantime, I did want to share a brief insight on the topic to get you thinking on the right path for spring. Turning garbage into SUPER soil is easier than you think. If you've got food scraps and a pitchfork your halfway there.
There are many benefits to starting your own compost pile and nourishing the earth, whether your end goal is a lower environmental impact, a better garden, or just a green, lush lawn. Compost provides benefits to soil it's used in, improving moisture absorption and drainage. This is especially true if your soil is of poor quality. That means that by using compost in your garden, you can grow more plants in soils they wouldn't ordinarily be suited for. While compost isn't a particularly effective fertilizer on its own, the reduction in runoff that results from its use makes existing fertilizers (both natural and chemical) a lot more effective. Fertilizer contamination of water is also significantly reduced.
The environmental benefits of using compost are significant. Making use of this material can help clean up contaminated soil, reducing runoff of toxic materials and binding some toxins. Compost can help reduce erosion on lake, stream, and river banks, as well as along roads. Composting also makes use of materials that would otherwise be waste, including food scraps, yard clippings, small animal bedding and much more.
Economic benefits of composting include reduction in the cost of fertilizer and other materials required for healthy plant production. This material is cheaper than using artificial soil, and helps cities and communities be environmentally responsible. You don't have to be a town or municipality to start a compost pile, however. Anyone can make one in their own backyard, using "brown" matter - leaves, grass clippings, shredded paper, and similar materials - mixed with "green" matter - vegetable waste and the like. Make sure to keep your pile where it won't be accessible to scavengers, such as rats and opossums, and avoid including animal products and waste from meat eating pets in the pile. Otherwise, it can produce an unpleasant smell and attract pets. If you maintain your compost pile carefully, you'll be able to dispose of materials you'd otherwise have to throw out, and the reward will be great material for helping your plants grow.
You'll know your compost is finished once it's dark, crumbly, and has no additional smell. You may see worms, snails, or slugs in the pile. The former can be a great addition to your garden. The latter two should be removed as well as you can before adding compost to your plants, because they eat plant matter. Fortunately, the compost pile provides them with a steady supply of food, keeping them out of the lettuce. You can spread compost around trees, on flower beds and vegetable gardens, and even on top of the lawn. Don't make it too thick on top of already growing plants, and it will quickly sink down to become part of the dirt. Enjoy the great benefits of composting and start your own compost pile today.
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