Primitive Diva

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Three Goats Farm of Montgomery, Texas
Melissa is a former beauty queen, personal trainer and certified holistic health coach. Melissa founded Queen Bee Wellness to specialize her coaching practice towards Women's Wellness and Beauty. She helps women focus on finding their own natural beauty from a integrative approach of balancing Mind, Body and Soul. Melissa believes that what we put in our mind is just as important as the nourishing food we put in our bodies and products on our skin. She strives to coach women to balance a healthier body image, approach to wellness and authentic living. With her passion for a clean lifestyle, Queen Bee Wellness therapeutic skin care products were born- to help women enhance their natural glow, without causing harm to their health from chemical laden toxic products. Melissa's philosophy to real beauty is summarized in "Wellness is Beauty". Melissa resides on a 10 acre farm in Montgomery, Texas with her husband and teen aged children. In her spare time she is chief goat wrangler and milker of her "Queen Bee" herd of dairy goats at Three Goats Farm.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Get your Diva Spring GLOW with these seven foods

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and, at least here in Texas, every color of wild flower is in full bloom. Spring is in full swing! And with summer just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about the beautiful array of fruits and vegetables available to us this time of year. The following is a list of seven summer foods will help you get your skin glowing, strengthen your immunity and help keep you energized for some wonderful barefoot fun in the warmer temps.


Arugula is a cruciferous vegetable; and like other members of that family it contains anti-cancer compounds called glucosinolates. This powerful leafy green is a natural detoxifier, aiding the body in eliminating harmful substances.
Like other greens, arugula is rich in many vitamins and minerals like vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. Arugula is also a good source of potassium, iron, zinc, riboflavin and copper. It contains phytochemicals like chlorophyll and carotenes, making it an excellent source of antioxidants.


The heath benefits of avocados are endless. First and foremost, avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats, which the body needs for basic cellular and brain function. In addition, you need (healthy) fat to burn fat, and the monosaturated fat found in avocados make it a great food for weight loss.
The beta-sitosterol in avocados helps lower cholesterol and the large amount of folate protects the heart and minimizes chance of stroke. Avocados also contain more lutein (a powerful caratenoid) than nearly any other fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two disabling age-related eye diseases.
Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados can seek out and destroy pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in the oral cavity without harming healthy ones. Additionally, the oleic acid found in avocados has been shown to prevent breast cancer in numerous studies.
Avocados are also high in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant responsible for preventing aging, cancer and heart disease. Lastly, avocados are the fruit highest in vitamin E, which protects against many diseases and helps maintain overall health.


All berries are low in calories and pack a mean nutritious punch. Only a small amount of berries contain nearly as much vitamin C as a glass of orange juice (with not nearly the amount of sugar!) Vitamin C is important for immune system function, strong connective tissues and collagen production.
Berries are high in phytochemicals and flavanoids that can help in the prevention of cancer. Their high antioxidant content makes them a powerhouse against free-radicals and other cancer causing agents in the body. They offer powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory protection as well.
They literally support the health of the entire body: balancing blood sugar, supporting cardiovascular health, strengthening blood vessels, reducing hypertension, promoting eye health and cognitive support, and protecting against all types of cancers; make sure to include a vast variety of berries into your diet this summer.


Cucumbers don’t seems to receive as much press as some of the other vegetables, but this high phytonutrient food is a valuable antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
The high water content of cucumbers, as well as their rich supply of vitamins and minerals, make them ideal for weight loss, skin and nail health and in keeping the body hydrated. They are also a natural detoxifier making them ideal for aiding in digestion.
Cucumbers can help control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and can assist in curing diabetes as they contain a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.


Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E as well as beta-carotene and manganese. They are also very high in numerous antioxidants and tout cardiovascular support, bone health and anti-cancer properties among their list of health benefits.
Tomatoes can help control blood sugar levels, prevent strokes and heart attacks and can help improve your vision. Their high levels of lycopene are great for skin care and the high amounts of vitamin A are great for hair health (as well as eye, skin, teeth and bone health as well.)


Watermelons are high in many antioxidants, including lycopene. In fact, watermelons are the highest source of lycopene that you can find. Lycopene is important in reducing the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer, so eat up.
Watermelons are high in water and electrolytes and low in calories, meaning you can rehydrate and lose weight while enjoying your deliciously sweet summery snack.
Watermelons are also high in vitamins A and C which means they boost the immune system, slow down the aging process, and help in maintaining cellular health, ocular health and blood vessel health. Watermelons are also natural detoxifiers meaning they help rid the body of harmful free-radicals and other disease causing substances.

Zucchini (Summer Squash)

Zucchinis are low in calories, making them a great food for slimming down in the summer. They are also high in vitamin D, making up nearly 60% of your required daily intake. Zucchinis are also rich in vitamin A, C, K and B6, as well as numerous minerals including iron, folate, zinc, calcium, riboflavin and niacin.
Because of their nutritionally dense profile, zucchinis can help protect against and prevent heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and asthma. They’ve also been shown to assist in ocular health and promote memory.
They are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and they also provide antimicrobial protection. Additionally they can help balance blood sugar and provide nutritional support for prostate health.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Breaking the Milk FAST with friendship....A lesson in relaxing food rules sometimes!

Spent an absolutely BEAUTIFUL Texas spring day at our future farm yesterday. Continued on the nourishing RAW Milk Cure, while enjoying sunshine, nature and solitude. It was great time for our 10 week old goat kid," BELLA"  to begin foraging a bit as we are weaning her off the bottlefeeding. So, on our drive back to the burbs, hubby and I contemplated how long to stay on our MILK only program. We had very positive results and honestly feel that milk can be a sustaining perfect food. Maybe we could do this for 10 days....there was no hunger. So we committed that we would attempt a second week. That morning before heading out to the farm, we had made a promise to my son --- when we returned home we would visit his best friend and family, to wish him happy birthday (turning 10) and celebrate with birthday cake. It was easily determined that based on how late it was that we could visit for a few minutes, forego the cake (I have gluten intolerance) and come home to our evening milk indulgence. You will note that I use very creative words to describe our consumption of the milk exclusively , honestly, its BORING!  We were graciously greeted at his best friends home by his mother who directed us to the dining room. She stated that she had kept our food warm for us and was so excited that we could come for dinner---even though we were late???? Ummmm, time stood still, as my husband and I gave each other a look of surprise. The things that were twirling through my head. First, breaking the fast was not really THE issue, as I am trying to give up being so structured and rigid on my type A personality when it comes to food. BUT, breaking a milk only fast should be done as gently as we came into it...a few days of juicing and a day of citrus and water.... My son's best friends family are the most sincere, wonderful and generous people you would ever want to meet. There is however a bit of struggle because his mom is spanish speaking and her english is limited. How could we ever explain our crazy milk fast to her without being incredibly rude to our hostess? So, we sat and before us, she laid out the most tender and beautiful roast that had been slow cooked with potatoes, onions, tomatoes and, peppers along with a serving of homemade spanish rice. There was cake also....... My husband and I smiled at each other knowing clearly that we had to break the fast and quietly.  Friendship and respect is far more imporatnt to both of us than a belly ache. So we both picked up our forks and our fast was broken.

 We had a great evening with laughter and conversation. At times, it was more like charades because my spanish is so terrible. I know, I am a TEXAN....I am supposed to speak spanish, right. My best friend is even spanish has NOT rubbed off. This was lesson in an area that has been weighing on my mind lately about our mindset over food rules. Beating ourselves up and having so much stress about food. It was nice to forgive myself last night, indulge and truly enjoy a celebration of our young friends birth----it was a memory made. Guess what? I woke up feeling fabulous this morning- no belly ache....just great energy that I put in to a workout. I even wanted a glass of milk for lunch today....not because I had to....because I could. Gotta love freedom.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1 of the Milkapalooza....!

So a recent challenge was issued by my fellow Weston A Price chapter leader from Florida, Sarah Pope of The Healthy Home Economist to do a 10 day Milk Cure. I have been very intrigued with fasting on milk , after reading and watching blogs and videos done by the awesome Matt Stone at 180 Degree Health and Anne Marie Michaels at CHEESESLAVE . There are also some great links and articles at my favorite Nourished Magazine .  I know some of you are milk phobic because of your past experience with pasteurized milk. I get it….I also had not consumed mucous producing, hormone and anti-biotic laden commercial pasteurized/homogenized (damaged) milk for 20+ years. But RAW Milk from an organic certified and pastured dairy cow has amazing , healing and therapeutic benefits. And, raw cream and butter is an absolute delight when enjoyed fresh from the farm. I hope you live in a state where you can enjoy it legally. To locate a source near you check out

This series on The Milk Cure has sparked much interest in reviving this age old remedy for improving vitality, bodily cleansing and even reversal of serious illness as practiced in the early 1900′s by the Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota.

So, I am researched and ready to go on my Milk Cure challenge for 10 days. I started the weaning off of coffee 2 weeks ago at 1 cup and to 1/2 cup for the past few days.My hubby is on board with me also- does he love me or what?  I plan to follow the challenge by gradually bringing in bone broth and a few easlily digested fruits/starches (i.e sweet potato, banana's)for a day or two at the end. This is not a diet of deprivation, but more of an over feeding of primitive and nutrient dense food. I would love for a few other DIVA's to join in, if you feel inclined. Please share your comments here and on the FB page if you jump in to the Milkapalooza!

I will be charting my weight, basal temps and physical experiences, to share. I plan to ease up on my exercise to only include ; yoga, walking, light weights. My body has some healing to do and this is in preparation for some of Matt Stone's famous RARF'ing (MUCH more on that later as I am using this time to read ALL of his books)

I will also be sharing a beauty tip or two over the next 10 days, using milk in treatments for the skin and hair. Get that glow form the inside out.

So, without further delay my Primitive Diva's and Dudes. I present.........

The RAW Milk Cure 101

Raw milk has historically been considered a SUPERFOOD. It has been used both in the daily diet (often fermented) and by special groups with extra nutritional needs, like the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, warriors, and sick people. An ancient Babylon text tells how raw milk was used to drive out the demons of sickness, "Bring milk and laban [curdled milk] that man become as pure as laban; like that milk may he become pure."

For most of our ancestral history, raw milk was drunk fresh and warm from the cow (or other animal), but a lot of it was fermented, or cultured, into a variety of delicious products - yogurt, kefir, cheeses, lacto-fermented beverages, etc. - due to both the lack of refrigeration and primitive people's knowledge of the health benefits of "probiotics".

There are documented texts of medical doctors using a diet composed exclusively of raw milk to heal an incredible variety of diseases in the 1800’s - ranging from asthma and diabetes to colitis, obesity and tuberculosis. How does raw milk work to heal such a variety of very different disorders?

The Milk Cure/Milk Diet has often been referred to as a "healing spa". If the digestive system is the foundation of health in the body, and natural healing heals the entire body holistically, then of course you are going to see positive results in all aspects of your health. All of your organs and systems will heal and balance, over time, given the necessary tools. A therapeutic diet - and raw milk is truly the first, original therapeutic diet, provides the body with the tools to heal holistically.

In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, naturopathic physician Ron Schmid writes:

"According to late 19th century proponents, the 'secret' of the milk cure lies in the fact good raw milk is a food the body easily turns into good blood. In illness there is one or both of two conditions in the blood: insufficient quantity, or abnormal quality. The milk diet corrects both and, acting through the blood and the circulation, heals the cells and thus the tissues and organs. The muscles on a milk diet harden, almost like an athlete's, because they are pumped full of blood, as are the organs."

However, there are some rules that need to be followed. There are some crucial guidelines that need to be implemented to have success with the raw milk cure. Some of the doctors who used the raw milk cure with patients in the 1800's through to the 1930's used raw milk in conjunction with mild, easily digestible foods like fruit. But the vast majority swore by the need to consume only fresh, raw milk, and vast quantities of it.

One of the most prolific of these doctors, Charles Sanford Porter MD, published a book called, Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease in 1905. In the book he relates how at least 18,000 patients had been on the raw milk diet under his care in the last 37 years. This was not some fad diet, or quick-flash trend. This was a solid, scientifically proven method for healing mild to severe disorders. In 1929, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation (forerunner to the Mayo Clinic), J.E. Crew MD reported that he had been successfully using the raw milk treatment for the last 15 years. He said, "The results obtained in various types of disease have been so uniformly excellent that one's conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed. When sick people are limited to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth and maintenance, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine."

Rules For The Raw Milk Cure

After perusing the writings of various doctors who worked extensively with raw milk treatments, here are the crucial implementation guidelines if you'd like to give the raw milk diet a try:

• Use raw, untreated milk from pasture-fed cows only - milk has the highest curative value in spring and early summer when cows are eating new, high vitamin grass. Do not use milk from grain-fed or barn-bound cows.

• Higher fat milk (from Jersey cows) is ideal. Be sure to use full-fat milk only (not 2% or skim).

• The average adult must consume at least 3 - 4 quarts of raw milk per day. You can consume up to 10 quarts per day, if you wish (note: 4 cups = 1 quart).

• Minimum duration of raw milk diet is 4 weeks to see good results. Follow with gradual food introduction of easily digested foods.

• You must rest during the diet-now is not the time to train for a marathon (Walking, Yoga, Stretching and gentle workouts are suggested)

• Do not consume any other foods or beverages whilst on the diet, except filtered or spring water.

The importance of strictly adhering to these guidelines is summed up in the words of Dr. Charles Sanford Porter, MD:

"It is wrong, if not positively dangerous, to attempt the exclusive milk diet on any amount of milk less than that required to noticeably stimulate the circulation and promote body growth. There is no halfway method of taking the milk diet for people who have much the matter with them. Enough milk must be taken to create new circulation, new cells, and new tissue growth, and cause prompt elimination of the waste and dead matter that may be poisoning the system. With milk alone, digestion and assimilation may go on throughout practically the whole length of the alimentary canal. The addition of even a cracker to the milk seems to cause the stomach to hold all its contents for hours without discharging much into the intestine."

How Long Do I Stay On The Diet?

Now you may be wondering how long you can safely stay on a raw milk diet. Amazingly, there is no limit. Raw cow's milk from pasture-fed cows is a complete, perfect food all by itself. In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, Ron Schmid ND, relates numerous stories of people who lived in perfect health for up to 50 years on raw milk alone. Here's just one of many examples; this is a letter from a man in Burlington, Iowa in 1913:

"I have lived on a strictly milk diet for the past forty-two years, not as a matter of choice, but from the fact that I am unable to take solid food of any kind, even a crumb of bread. At the age of two I took a dose of concentrated lye, which caused a stricture of the food pipe and since then have lived on a milk diet. I believe I have gotten along better than the man who eats. I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh one hundred and forty pounds, and am married and have four strong, healthy children. I take one quart at each mealtime and none between meals. My health is good, in fact I have never been ill in forty-two years."

Dr. Schmid goes on to give many different examples of people who have had excellent health living on nothing but raw cow's milk for 3 - 50 years. This is very liberating information! Imagine if elderly people in nursing homes were given raw milk instead of Boost, Ensure and processed foods? Imagine if people with obstructions and strictures were given raw milk, rather than surgery, or having their colon removed?

How To Introduce Raw Milk

People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are often very hesitant to try raw milk due to bad experiences with pasteurized milk and sensitivity to milk proteins (keep in mind these proteins have been denatured by the pasteurization process). So what's the best way to start and test whether you can take advantage of this amazing superfood? Here are the guidelines I suggest.

• Make sure you only use untreated, full-fat, raw milk from pasture-fed cows

• If you have been highly sensitive to milk in the past, then start by making yoghurt from the raw milk. Raw milk yoghurt is the most highly tolerated of all raw milk products. Eat a small amount of yogurt each day and gradually build up (see Raw Milk Yogurt Recipe below).

• If you like the yogurt and tolerate it well, then you can make a primitive yogurt drink called a lassi: Add a pinch of cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and your desired sweetener (stevia, maple syrup, honey) and stir to mix. Add some warm filtered water if the texture is too thick.

• If you want to drink the raw milk straight, it's best if you drink it in isolation from other foods. For example, have it first thing in the morning and don't eat or drink anything else with it - (all by itself, on an empty stomach).

• Warm the milk slightly to room temperature or lukewarm before drinking (but don't make it hot/boiling or you will kill the good bacteria and enzymes that facilitate digestion). Cold milk can be a shock to the system and harder to digest.

I drink raw milk straight, eat raw milk cheeses, raw milk yogurt, and make a shake from raw egg yolks, maple syrup and raw milk. If you'd like to source a raw milk supplier in your area go to: There are also lots of useful articles on the site if you're worried about safety issues, legalities, etc.

Further Reading:


Traditional yoghurt recipes call for the milk to be heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, however, this destroys the beneficial enzymes present in raw milk. Therefore, I prefer to not heat the milk beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43°C). However, this usually results in a runny yoghurt (not firm). If you're going to use your yoghurt in shakes, smoothies or lassis, this is fine. However, if you prefer to eat firm yoghurt, you will need to add gelatin to help firm it up. So the recipe here includes gelatin, but if you're okay with runny yoghurt, then follow the recipe as is, minus the gelatin.

• 4 cups raw whole milk

• 2 teaspoons of Yogurt Starter

• 1 glass quart jar with lid, sterilized

• 1 teaspoon powdered gelatin

1. Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan and sprinkle gelatin over surface of milk. Let sit for 5 minutes while gelatin dissolves.

2. Over low heat, stirring constantly, slowly bring the milk to 110°F (43°C), or until you can keep your finger in the milk while you count to 10.

3. Put the yogurt starter into the wide-mouth quart-size sterilized glass jar. Pour in about 1/2 cup milk and stir to mix really well with the starter.

4. Fill the jar with the rest of the milk, stir lightly, and screw on the lid.

5. Wrap the jar in a towel and let sit in a warm place*, for eight hours.

6. Unwrap and place in the refrigerator. Allow yoghurt to set in fridge (about four hours). If you want an even firmer yogurt, next time add 1.5 or 2 teaspoons of gelatin.

*If you don't have a warm place, then put it inside your oven with the oven light on. Do not turn on the oven, just turn on the oven light and close the oven door. If you have a yoghurt-maker, use the recipe here and then follow instructions for your yogurt-maker for incubation - but still best to incubate for 8 hours.