Primitive Diva

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Three Goats Farm of Montgomery, Texas
Melissa is a former beauty queen, personal trainer and certified holistic health coach. Melissa founded Queen Bee Wellness to specialize her coaching practice towards Women's Wellness and Beauty. She helps women focus on finding their own natural beauty from a integrative approach of balancing Mind, Body and Soul. Melissa believes that what we put in our mind is just as important as the nourishing food we put in our bodies and products on our skin. She strives to coach women to balance a healthier body image, approach to wellness and authentic living. With her passion for a clean lifestyle, Queen Bee Wellness therapeutic skin care products were born- to help women enhance their natural glow, without causing harm to their health from chemical laden toxic products. Melissa's philosophy to real beauty is summarized in "Wellness is Beauty". Melissa resides on a 10 acre farm in Montgomery, Texas with her husband and teen aged children. In her spare time she is chief goat wrangler and milker of her "Queen Bee" herd of dairy goats at Three Goats Farm.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Primitive Primer - Optimal Health 101

As I am gearing up towards the completion of my "labor of love" project...known as Primitive Diva, I am finding myself in a quite a few conversations with people who are unfamiliar and just trying to understand the basic foundation of following a primitive eating plan. So here are just a few basics that will help any newbie understand the primitive diva philosophy.

So why eat more Primitive foods, you ask? Those who eat a native primitive/ancestral diet live free of modern diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity. Primitive nutrition is based on eating nutrient-dense, natural foods that we’ve evolved eating for over 99% of our existence, such as grass-fed meats, free-range poultry, wild fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and unprocessed fats. These foods don’t come in a box, a bag or a can. They don’t contains dyes, chemicals or words you can’t pronounce. They’re whole foods, not processed products. If you showed our ancestors a candy bar, they wouldn’t recognize it as food nor our bodies. The point is, neither should you! Its about rethinking our trips to the grocery store and realize its the same as hunting and gathering for ours and our families nourishment and health not entertainment.

Here are Three pillars to begin to build a healthy foundation of your new Primitive Lifestyle.

THE most important way of incorporating this lifestyle is to avoid processed foods at all times, as most contain sugar, refined carbs and/or manmade fats. As you develop an awareness of your food choices, and understand the effects of what you consume, you won’t want to eat any junk food!

1. Avoid Sugar
- Better Breakfasts, Beverages, Snacks & Sweets
- Eat More Balanced Meals
- Plan to Cheat
Start by cutting out sugar in the 4 most problematic areas of the diet: breakfast, beverages (sweeten with Stevia), snacks and sweets. Always strive for balanced meals by including protein, fat and carbs every time you eat. Including more fat and protein will also help to reduce sugar cravings. Lastly, plan a meal each week to indulge, IF you must.But the goal is to eat a nature intended whole foods diet. Make some grain free stevia/honey or date sweetened primitive cookies for a weekly treat!

2. Replace Refined Carbs
- Eat More Vegetables
- Select Healthier Alternatives
- Eat More Fat & Protein
Refined carbs, like pasta, bread, cereal, granola bars, etc. are a major problem because they supply minimal nutrients, have a high glycemic load, and leave you craving more carbs. Start by replacing refined carbs with vegetables. Even a sweet potato is a more nutritious, digestible source of carbs than a slice of bread or whole grain pasta. If you aren’t ready to load up on veggies, at least select healthier alternatives (soaking, fermenting and sprouting) to improve the quality of your carbs. Also be sure to eat more fat and protein. Despite what you might think, fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat. It’s not as simple as calories in vs. calories out.Calories don’t determine weight loss (or gain), hormones do.

3. Eliminate Manmade Fats
- Cook with Coconut Oil
- Dress Salads with Olive Oil
Are these manmade fats in your diet... canola, margarine, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, etc.? Where is the fat in a kernel of corn (canola)? These “franken fats” wreak havoc on our bodies with their unfavorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratios promoting inflammation and their high unsaturated fat content, which oxidizes when exposed to heat, air, or light, thus becoming carcinogenic. Start by eliminating these nasty unnatural fats, but don’t skimp on the fat. Low-fat equals high carb, equals high insulin levels, equals weight gain and other health problems. Instead, select naturally occurring fats, like avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, butter, etc. Start by replacing canola oil with coconut oil. Use raw extra virgin olive oil to dress salads and veggies.

Making these small yet very life changing subsitutions, will have you WILD with energy, vitality, strength and overall great health.Are you ready to embrace your inner Primitive Diva?

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