Wow, what an adventure this week has been already. The plan was to travel to a family cabin on the lake in Northwest Arkansas for some highly primitive solitude and nature to help me finish writing the book. I spent the first night in civilization with my parents in Fayetteville(my beautiful hometown)--visiting the farmers market, enjoying a trip to my favorite store, Ozark Natural Foods Coop, and just enjoying my visit. I even slept in their guest room on beautiful and quite luxurious brown zebra striped egyptian cotton sheets, while snuggled up with my lavendar pillow-ahhhh, so divalicious! Sunday evening we drove to the cabin- my parents insisted that I keep one of the cars here--just in case( I relented) I was so excited to see the cabin again as I have not been here since our New Years Eve get away. Ya know....there are ALOT more creepy crawlies in the woods when the weather is above freezing,and it appears that the rodents have been vacationing in the bottom drawers of all the cabinets during the off season, ewwwww! So, with a little cleaning, sweeping and several lit candles and essential oils- I had it all nice and "Diva-like". Monday morning was so beautiful with the sun coming up over the lake, coffee on the deck and a walk down to the dock and out into the woods where I was able to meet up with a herd of deer eating berries---I had to google their odd reaction/behavior of the stomping and snorting at me to find out that they apparently were mad at my disruption! I saw a sweet little chipmunk, beautiful woodpeckers, turtles and gazed at all the lush flora/fauna of this mountainous region that I remember as a young girl. Once back at the cabin- I sat on the deck with ALL of my books/research and began to write. I wrote for several hours only taking breaks to walk around and find sunny spots between the trees. I was having a very productive and euphoric time with the ability to focus and be grounded in nature- I was feeling so creative and connected to the true Primitive Diva persona......(Insert Screeching tires sound)!
Somewhere around noon- My husband called me with the news.....his father had been in a serious accident at their farm in Beaumont. He had been transported to the hospital and all he knew was neck/spinal injury and partial paralysis. So, I went into somewhat of a holding pattern feeling so incredibly helpless and selfish for not being there. There was a scramble of events to coordinate and he left town with the kids waiting for my dearest friend to arrive to be with them. Within the next few hours-- lots of phone calls,updates and pacing, it was determined that I should stay in place until we knew more. He had been working with an Auger and it had come in contact with his clothing and after viewing the pictures----he has one heck of an ANGEL looking over him! His spinal cord was twisted 90 degrees and C6 was dislocated and C7 was broken (front and back). Obviously, I could not possibly write anymore on Monday...I just paced up and down the stairs to the lake- I would sit at the top for a bit and then sit at the bottom for a bit....very frustrating afternoon! I am not really sure of how the events unfolded through the evening....I made dinner, had a glass of wine, walked through the woods and disturbed the deer again- they were even more irritated- since I stopped to pick a few of their berries. I came in to shower and found 2 ticks on my back,who were just STARTING to dine (this diva does NOT like ticks!)
Good morning Tuesday.....! After tossing and turning and not sleeping well, I woke up late (7:30ish) called my hubby to get updates and graciously hear another voice other than my own and the snorting deer. I talked with him while I heated water in the glass container of my french press for my morning cup of Sumatran. I may have...(correction: I did) heat it too long- as I pressed the plunger down, I had to put some weight and strength into it. Note to self: pay attention and be careful when handling boiling liquids and glass! The bottom of the glass carafe blew out and scalding coffee hit my entire abdominal area and upper legs. I threw the phone into the puddle of coffee on the floor (yep, still works) screamed CRAP-threw off my pants and shirt as I ran around searching for something to cold to stop the burning....gallon jug of water in fridge to the rescue!(Go ahead, laugh---I am still giggling at how it must have looked) It took me about an hour to clean up the mess and get the swelling/pain under control and get a cup of coffee made in the VERY dusty, bug infested coffee maker at the cabin, YUCK! So, I got dressed in something that would be loose and not touch my skin and went for a run. I desperately needed to refocus my day and attitude to get some writing done. Got to the top of the dirt rode and went left up the road for a run- it was peaceful UNTIL, a van drove slowly past me and turned around....what were they looking for up there-?(Having watched too many horror flicks, news stories or SVU type shows in my younger days-my imagination went off) ADRENAL glands now firing cortisol high,I made a phone call to my husband as I sprinted (Fight/Flight) back down the hill almost falling a few times and into the tall grass (hello again, ticks!)BTW~ Mr.MovNat LaCorre-how do YOU avoid ticks? Finally heart pounding and back at the cabin- I locked all the doors and windows but still had that uneasy feeling. My husband reassured me during another 30 minutes on the phone and off to my shower I went. In the shower, I found another tick on my leg. Thats it, I am done....with holistic pest control! Where is the DEET? I look back at my google searches on my phone from the past 24 hours...1) Why do deer snort? 2)spinal/cervical injuries 3) how to treat second degree burns from boiling liquids 4)Lyme Disease and Ticks....WOW, what a day.
A gentle rain moved in during the afternoon, I made some Yerba Mate and I TRIED desperately to mind kept going off track to my father in law, my husband, my kids and the mysterious van, and odd noises in the woods. Seclusion is highly over rated, ya'll! Finally by dinner time, I needed a change of scenery-feeling so happy that my parents had left the car, I drove into town to get some items from the small grocery store and just have some human interaction. I grabbed a basket and strolled through the little store grabbing dark chocolate (that cures everything, right)The highest strength DEET spray that I could find(I hate DEET but I hate Lyme disease more!)Strawberries and some Chobani Greek Yogurt. The only potential for converstaions were the two young grinning "Bubbas" who seemd to be tripping over themselves to elbow each other and follow me through the store, OR the checkout clerk. I chose her and she chose to argue with me about the cost of my yogurt---she exclaimed in her best hillbilly drawl (yes, I had it once too!)"Mam' that can't be almost $8...?" she price checked it and sure enough it was correct. She offered to go grab me some Yoplait that was on sale for $1.98...I politely declined with no further explanation. She did not seem ready for my Nutrition 101 Class just yet. Once, I was back into the woods and at the cabin again....I just never got comfortable. I was really feeling alone and a strong sense of danger (womans intuition?) So, I passed the time until dark, when I started lock down like fort knox....I had the doors all blocked and booby trapped with bar stools, glasses and brooms in the sliding doors, ALL the lights on. I slept with the car keys, my phone, laptop and the 4ft iron fireplace poker next to me. That was a very restorative sleep, NOT! So, here I am deliriously tired, tick bitten, burned and jumping every time I hear something crackle in the woods outside. I am going to take a shower, try to write and try to RELAX and embrace the beauty of nature again. In the father in law goes into the first of several surgeries this morning.....fervent prayers for the surgeons hands. Prayers for my husband as he drives back and forth from Houston to Beaumont everyday. And prayers for me to embrace the peaceful nature of my surroundings and not the many things/people/critters that go bump (or screech) in the night! I gave myself permission to NOT finish the book here and pack to leave and stay with my parents until my hubby and kids can join me this weekend---its ALL good. I guess I am more DIVA than PRIMITIVE afterall!
During the writing of this BLOG, I have removed a tick from my underarm and a spot very near an unmentionable area....Hubby told me that I am a "Tick Magnet" ~(grin)
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Primitive Diva
- Queen Bee Wellness
- Three Goats Farm of Montgomery, Texas
- Melissa is a former beauty queen, personal trainer and certified holistic health coach. Melissa founded Queen Bee Wellness to specialize her coaching practice towards Women's Wellness and Beauty. She helps women focus on finding their own natural beauty from a integrative approach of balancing Mind, Body and Soul. Melissa believes that what we put in our mind is just as important as the nourishing food we put in our bodies and products on our skin. She strives to coach women to balance a healthier body image, approach to wellness and authentic living. With her passion for a clean lifestyle, Queen Bee Wellness therapeutic skin care products were born- to help women enhance their natural glow, without causing harm to their health from chemical laden toxic products. Melissa's philosophy to real beauty is summarized in "Wellness is Beauty". Melissa resides on a 10 acre farm in Montgomery, Texas with her husband and teen aged children. In her spare time she is chief goat wrangler and milker of her "Queen Bee" herd of dairy goats at Three Goats Farm.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Nature Prescription....

I have not shared a book suggestion in a several weeks....and WOW, am I excited about this little jewel. Alot of you know that I have sang the praises of "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv for a few years--I love, love, love that book and what it offered me as a parent! Well now Mr. Louv has written a new book for adults with Nature Deficit Disorder. I bought the book on and have almost finished listening to it. It is a fabulous book that helps us see the how and why we NEED to get back to nature and become more primitive in our approach to life.
Here are a few editorial reviews of this highly inspiring gift of nature~
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
In this sanguine, wide-ranging study of how humans can thrive through the "renaturing of everyday life," Louv takes nature deficit disorder, introduced in his seminal Last Child in the Woods, a step further, to argue that adults need nature, too. "A reconnection to the natural world is fundamental to human health," he writes, asking, "What would our lives be like if our days and nights were as immersed in nature as they are in electronics?" Louv's "Nature Principle" consists of seven precepts, including balancing technology excess with time in nature; a mind/body/nature connection, which Louv calls "vitamin N," that enhances physical and mental health; expanding our sense of community to include all living things; and purposefully developing a spiritual, psychological, physical attachment to a region and its natural history. The book presents examples of these precepts, from studies of how exposure to a common soil bacteria increases production of serotonin in the brain to designing shopping malls inspired by termite mounds. Although lightweight for longtime nature lovers, the book may be just what our high-tech, urban culture needs to bring us down to earth. (May)
(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.
“Louv’s vital, inclusive, and inspiriting call to better our lives by celebrating and protecting the living world marks the way to profound personal and cultural transformation.”—Booklist, starred review
(Booklist )
"Louv takes nature-deficit disorder, introduce in his seminal Last Child in the Woods, a step further, to argue that adults need nature, too . . . [This] book may be just what our high-tech, urban culture needs to bring us down to earth." --Publishers Weekly
(Publishers Weekly )
"We have set up an elaborate society designed to strip us of the environment that made us--and Richard Louv is speaking out, inspirationally, on why it doesn't have to be this way." --Carl Pope, Chariman, The Sierra Club
Product Description
The immediacy of Richard Louv’s message in Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder galvanized an international movement to reconnect children with nature. Now, in The Nature Principle, Louv reaches even further with a powerful call to action for the rest of us.
Our society, says Louv, has developed such an outsized faith in technology that we have yet to fully realize or even adequately study how human capacities are enhanced through the power of nature. Supported by groundbreaking research, anecdotal evidence, and compelling personal stories, Louv shows us how tapping into the restorative powers of the natural world can boost mental acuity and creativity; promote health and wellness; build smarter and more sustainable businesses, communities, and economies; and ultimately strengthen human bonds. As he says in his introduction, The Nature Principle is “about the power of living in nature—not with it, but in it. We are entering the most creative period in history. The twenty-first century will be the century of human restoration in the natural world.”
Richard Louv makes a convincing case that through a nature-balanced existence—driven by sound economic, social, and environmental solutions—the human race can and will thrive. This timely, inspiring, and important work will give readers renewed hope while challenging them to rethink the way we live.
About the Author
Richard Louv is a journalist and the author of seven books about the connections between family, nature, and community. His most recent book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, has been translated into nine languages and published in thirteen countries. Louv is the chairman and cofounder of the Children and Nature Network ( and was awarded the Audubon Medal, presented by the National Audubon Society, in 2008. Find him online at
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Primitive Primer - Optimal Health 101
As I am gearing up towards the completion of my "labor of love" project...known as Primitive Diva, I am finding myself in a quite a few conversations with people who are unfamiliar and just trying to understand the basic foundation of following a primitive eating plan. So here are just a few basics that will help any newbie understand the primitive diva philosophy.
So why eat more Primitive foods, you ask? Those who eat a native primitive/ancestral diet live free of modern diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity. Primitive nutrition is based on eating nutrient-dense, natural foods that we’ve evolved eating for over 99% of our existence, such as grass-fed meats, free-range poultry, wild fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and unprocessed fats. These foods don’t come in a box, a bag or a can. They don’t contains dyes, chemicals or words you can’t pronounce. They’re whole foods, not processed products. If you showed our ancestors a candy bar, they wouldn’t recognize it as food nor our bodies. The point is, neither should you! Its about rethinking our trips to the grocery store and realize its the same as hunting and gathering for ours and our families nourishment and health not entertainment.
Here are Three pillars to begin to build a healthy foundation of your new Primitive Lifestyle.
THE most important way of incorporating this lifestyle is to avoid processed foods at all times, as most contain sugar, refined carbs and/or manmade fats. As you develop an awareness of your food choices, and understand the effects of what you consume, you won’t want to eat any junk food!
1. Avoid Sugar
- Better Breakfasts, Beverages, Snacks & Sweets
- Eat More Balanced Meals
- Plan to Cheat
Start by cutting out sugar in the 4 most problematic areas of the diet: breakfast, beverages (sweeten with Stevia), snacks and sweets. Always strive for balanced meals by including protein, fat and carbs every time you eat. Including more fat and protein will also help to reduce sugar cravings. Lastly, plan a meal each week to indulge, IF you must.But the goal is to eat a nature intended whole foods diet. Make some grain free stevia/honey or date sweetened primitive cookies for a weekly treat!
2. Replace Refined Carbs
- Eat More Vegetables
- Select Healthier Alternatives
- Eat More Fat & Protein
Refined carbs, like pasta, bread, cereal, granola bars, etc. are a major problem because they supply minimal nutrients, have a high glycemic load, and leave you craving more carbs. Start by replacing refined carbs with vegetables. Even a sweet potato is a more nutritious, digestible source of carbs than a slice of bread or whole grain pasta. If you aren’t ready to load up on veggies, at least select healthier alternatives (soaking, fermenting and sprouting) to improve the quality of your carbs. Also be sure to eat more fat and protein. Despite what you might think, fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat. It’s not as simple as calories in vs. calories out.Calories don’t determine weight loss (or gain), hormones do.
3. Eliminate Manmade Fats
- Cook with Coconut Oil
- Dress Salads with Olive Oil
Are these manmade fats in your diet... canola, margarine, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, etc.? Where is the fat in a kernel of corn (canola)? These “franken fats” wreak havoc on our bodies with their unfavorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratios promoting inflammation and their high unsaturated fat content, which oxidizes when exposed to heat, air, or light, thus becoming carcinogenic. Start by eliminating these nasty unnatural fats, but don’t skimp on the fat. Low-fat equals high carb, equals high insulin levels, equals weight gain and other health problems. Instead, select naturally occurring fats, like avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, butter, etc. Start by replacing canola oil with coconut oil. Use raw extra virgin olive oil to dress salads and veggies.
Making these small yet very life changing subsitutions, will have you WILD with energy, vitality, strength and overall great health.Are you ready to embrace your inner Primitive Diva?
So why eat more Primitive foods, you ask? Those who eat a native primitive/ancestral diet live free of modern diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity. Primitive nutrition is based on eating nutrient-dense, natural foods that we’ve evolved eating for over 99% of our existence, such as grass-fed meats, free-range poultry, wild fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and unprocessed fats. These foods don’t come in a box, a bag or a can. They don’t contains dyes, chemicals or words you can’t pronounce. They’re whole foods, not processed products. If you showed our ancestors a candy bar, they wouldn’t recognize it as food nor our bodies. The point is, neither should you! Its about rethinking our trips to the grocery store and realize its the same as hunting and gathering for ours and our families nourishment and health not entertainment.
Here are Three pillars to begin to build a healthy foundation of your new Primitive Lifestyle.
THE most important way of incorporating this lifestyle is to avoid processed foods at all times, as most contain sugar, refined carbs and/or manmade fats. As you develop an awareness of your food choices, and understand the effects of what you consume, you won’t want to eat any junk food!
1. Avoid Sugar
- Better Breakfasts, Beverages, Snacks & Sweets
- Eat More Balanced Meals
- Plan to Cheat
Start by cutting out sugar in the 4 most problematic areas of the diet: breakfast, beverages (sweeten with Stevia), snacks and sweets. Always strive for balanced meals by including protein, fat and carbs every time you eat. Including more fat and protein will also help to reduce sugar cravings. Lastly, plan a meal each week to indulge, IF you must.But the goal is to eat a nature intended whole foods diet. Make some grain free stevia/honey or date sweetened primitive cookies for a weekly treat!
2. Replace Refined Carbs
- Eat More Vegetables
- Select Healthier Alternatives
- Eat More Fat & Protein
Refined carbs, like pasta, bread, cereal, granola bars, etc. are a major problem because they supply minimal nutrients, have a high glycemic load, and leave you craving more carbs. Start by replacing refined carbs with vegetables. Even a sweet potato is a more nutritious, digestible source of carbs than a slice of bread or whole grain pasta. If you aren’t ready to load up on veggies, at least select healthier alternatives (soaking, fermenting and sprouting) to improve the quality of your carbs. Also be sure to eat more fat and protein. Despite what you might think, fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar makes you fat. It’s not as simple as calories in vs. calories out.Calories don’t determine weight loss (or gain), hormones do.
3. Eliminate Manmade Fats
- Cook with Coconut Oil
- Dress Salads with Olive Oil
Are these manmade fats in your diet... canola, margarine, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, etc.? Where is the fat in a kernel of corn (canola)? These “franken fats” wreak havoc on our bodies with their unfavorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratios promoting inflammation and their high unsaturated fat content, which oxidizes when exposed to heat, air, or light, thus becoming carcinogenic. Start by eliminating these nasty unnatural fats, but don’t skimp on the fat. Low-fat equals high carb, equals high insulin levels, equals weight gain and other health problems. Instead, select naturally occurring fats, like avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, butter, etc. Start by replacing canola oil with coconut oil. Use raw extra virgin olive oil to dress salads and veggies.
Making these small yet very life changing subsitutions, will have you WILD with energy, vitality, strength and overall great health.Are you ready to embrace your inner Primitive Diva?
digestive health,
primitive nutrition
Friday, June 10, 2011
Hormonal Happiness.....Is it possible without HRT?

You guys know that I try to stay as PRIMITIVE as I can with EVERY aspect of my, when I started experiencing a slight "hormonal fluctuation" ~ (Did that sound all pretty and pink, haha) Actually its been more feeling like a crazed woman, trying to finish a book project with a gazillion other demands. And my body has been giving me a few signals that something is a "bit" out of balance on the hormone scene. I appreciate the empowerment of being in touch with my body enough to recognize this but still question; Is it the life demands causing the stress or is it the hormones causing the stress sensitivity to lifes demands OR is it just a few signs of that much dreaded....Peri-menopause?(DEFINITION: this is the transitional period of time that precedes menopause, as in “pre-menopause,” that is often symptomatic of hormonal imbalances and fluctuations in a woman’s body 15-20 years before Menopause) Now armed with extreme dedication to following my Primitive Diva lifestyle (Nutrition, Fitness and Sleep) I have decided to add a new chapter to my book (yes, MORE work) but its one of the most critical for a healthy foundation. This means a whole chapter devoted to ancient, primitive and healing SUPERFOODS!
Please NOTE: It may be reassuring to remember that a woman’s body, mind, and spirit are always in flux, always changing — especially in the years that surround puberty and perimenopause. Just as you can be “pubescent” as you enter womanhood, you can be “perimenopausal” as you advance into the second half of your life. But these two words are simply labels, not a rigid definition of who you are, what your body is capable of, or who you are going to be.It is a natural as breathing......but,news to any other diva's who may be slightly older that 30 (just slightly~wink!) and experiencing the joyous symptoms of hormone "rebalancing".... you don't have to give in to it just yet!Oh and by the way....Men, AKA Primitive Dudes out there- This little Superfood helps with male hormone levels too, read on!
One of the most primitive alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy is available in a Whole food form.....another Farmaceutical that I want to share with you~ Maca Root!
Maca root has been used by indigenous societies as a source of healing and nourishment for thousands of years and is considered by top researchers to be a true stress fighting ADAPTOGEN- and aggressively touted as a "superfood by many natural health practitioners. And notably, the Maca plant one of the most powerful medicinal plants on earth with the ability to nourish the endocrine system. Working in tandem with the body's natural rhythms, Maca root helps rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies,balance hormones, boost libido, and increase energy and endurance.
Although some may believe these incredible little roots do indeed possess "magical powers", a thorough scientific analysis and chemical breakdown documents them to be a nutritional storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and building blocks that fuel brain function, ease hormone irregularities, and nourish the body.Amazingly, a single Maca root contains almost 60 phyto-nutrients!
Cultivated for thousands of years at elevations over 14,000 feet, Maca had been an important food and medicinal supplement for primitive tribes who inhabited the Peruvian highlands.
Although this rare member of the radish family has been used by indigenous peoples for thousands of years, many considered Maca to be a "lost herb" to the developing world until recently.
When the Spanish arrived to Peru in 1533, these little plants were hidden away and remained on the brink of extinction for centuries. In the Mid 1980's, The Board of Genetic Plant Resources actually listed Maca as a plant in danger of extinction...
Now, everything is changing as Maca is being eagerly sought after for its extraordinary medicinal powers and attributes.
Primitive food for a modern world
In today's modern world, Maca root is eaten up to 3 times a day by Peruvians and other people from all around the world, from professional athletes to the elderly, to give them energy and help recover from depression, addictions, traumas, or disease.
Hormonal Happiness
Maca root is also believed to promote healthy estrogen and progesterone levels. Research has shown that Maca Root contains no plant hormones, but its action relies on plant sterols, which act as chemical triggers to help the body produce a higher level of hormones appropriate to the age and gender of the person taking it. Clinical case studies have shown that Maca can help relieve the discomforts of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms.
(below article reprinted from Nature & Health Magazine, December 1999/ January 2000)
Maca: Discover how this new phytonutrient can ease menopausal symptoms
Rather than hormone replacement therapy (HRT), millions of women are putting their faith in a remedy which has been used for 10,000 years, which is safe and amazingly effective: a cruciferous root vegetable from Peru called maca. Anthropologist Dr. Viana Muller has brought this extraordinary remedy to the attention of the Western world. "Once in a decade a remedy used by native peoples for thousands of years comes to our attention and it seems so important to health that we wonder how we ever got along without it," Dr. Muller says. "Maca is that kind of supplement. Now women have an alternative to hormone replacement therapy drugs. Maca works in an entirely different and more satisfactory way for most women than phytoestrogen herbs like black cohosh and licorice root."
And men, too, find that maca can counteract the difficulties they may experience in maintaining good sexual relationships as they age, due to a general slowing down in the output of the endocrine glands."
The scientist responsible for much of the current knowledge of the maca root is Dr.Gloria Chacon de Popivici, a biologist trained at the University of San Marcos, in Lima, Peru. Dr.Chacon says that maca root works in a fundamentally different way than HRT, promoting optimal functioning of the hypothalamus and the pituitary, thereby improving the functioning of all the endocrine glands. Dr. Chacon has done the most important scientific work to date on the maca plant.
Dr. Muller says, "Implications of Dr Chacon's discovery of the pituitary-stimulating effects of maca are enormous.
"What it means is that hormone replacement therapy, even the natural varieties, will no longer be the gold standard for optimising health from a holistic point of view."
Alternative to HRT: It is important to remember that maca does not itself contain any hormones, but its action on the body jogs the pituitary into producing the precursor hormones which ultimately end up raising estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, as well as helping to balance the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the pancreas. But this occurs naturally, not with time-bomb drugs which throw the entire body into a dangerous state of confusion.
Dr Jorge Malaspina, a respected cardiologist, has been using maca in his practice in Lima, Peru, practice for over a decade. He says, "Maca does not cause the ovaries in women to atrophy, as conventional hormone replacement therapy does." This means that maca may be discontinued at any time without danger. He adds, "Different medicinal plants work on the ovaries by stimulating them. With maca, though, we should say that it 'regulates' the ovarian function." Dr Malaspina reiterates what Dr. Chacon says about the way maca regulates the organs of internal secretion, such as the pituitary, the adrenal glands, and the pancreas. He has also found maca to be effective even on women who have undergone complete hysterectomies. He describes one patient who had a serum oestradiol level of 15, which is very low. After two months on maca it went up to 75. He says that a level above 60 is an adequate postmenopausal level. "Maca enables the adrenals to make sufficient hormones to avoid symptoms", he says.
Dr. Malaspina adamantly prefers maca therapy to HRT. "The presence of outside hormones circulating in the system sends a message to the pituitary and the hypothalamus that there is a sufficient quantity of hormones in the body, and so they stop producing them. When menopause arrives, then, the ovaries are atrophied and do not produce the estrogen and progesterone which the body requires minimally to function. For this reason, I encourage women to start with maca before menopause. It seems to help the endocrine system to stay in balance."
Alkaloids were first shown to work on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis by Dr. Gloria Chacon de Popovici in 1962. In her studies she found maca greatly increased fertility in both sexes.
The peer reviewed journal "Urology" reported a Chinese University trial which proved an increase of nearly 100% in the sexual frequency of animals that had been fed maca. One study claimed that males had a 180% increase in semen production.
In females, Dr. Chacon found that maca increased egg follicle maturation and increased the number of follicles. In males, she noticed increased sperm count as well as increased sperm motility. Thus she deduced that maca wasn't producing hormones in either sex, but rather stimulating each sex to respond in a gender appropriate manner.
Since then, several studies have been conducted on men, and conclusions verified the reports. Science is now showing what Peruvians already knew. Glucosinates (found in plants of the Cruciferae family), specifically methoxybenzly isothiocyanate, are implicated for their action on reproductive hormonal processes while the amino acid L-arginine found in maca is believed to stimulate sexual desire in both sexes and aids erectile tissue response in men.
Since the results of the Chinese test studies on maca and sex were published, many men across North America are offering their own testimonials: reporting revived sexual abilities and stamina, making 60 feel like 16 again. Many women, soothed by the calming effect of maca provides, claim that maca can ease hormone irregularities, restore muscle tone, add moisture and give a youthful glow to the skin. Never mind about the sex, these benefits are a sign of good endocrine health, which rejuvenates us all.
Testimonial from a doctor: "We all hear rumors about various products like maca. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it "nature's answer to Viagra".
For more in-depth reading
Chemical analyses of this brain-powering root reveals an astonishing profile of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, sterols, fatty acids, and glucosinates. No wonder they call it a superfood!
Vitamins: B1, B2, and C.
Vitamin B1 helps the body's cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart, muscles, and nervous system.
B2 works in concert with the other B vitamins. It is important for body growth and red cell production, and helps in releasing energy from carbohydrates.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is involved in oxidation-reduction reactions.
Alkaloids: 4 novel alkaloids: macaina 1, 2, 3, and 4. These are responsible for activating hormone regulators located in the brain that in turn regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
Macronutrients: Essential vitamins and minerals, nutritive properties help convalescent people or patients who are diagnosed with anemia.
Proteins: Rich in bio-available maca proteins with an average of 11% per gram in the dry root.
Micronutrients: Minerals which help with the production of antibodies.
Fiber: Loaded with cellulose and lignin which stimulate intestinal operations. Investigators claim fibers such as these diminishes the risk of cancer of the large intestine by helping the organism eliminate waste and toxins produced within the body.
Carbohydrates: Rich in quality carbs; combined with the alkaloids and other nutrients is the source for sustainable energy.
Tannins: Useful in treatment of diarrhea. Combined with other medicines, it has the utility of treating inflammatory processes like ulcers, sores, etc.
Fatty Acids: Contains over 20 fatty acids
Sodium: Along with potassium, it was discovered that an increase in the daily diet of the sodium-potassium relation helps reduce arterial pressure/ hypertension. Nevertheless, an excessive increase of this relation could give rise to a diminution of the susceptibility to the bascule-cerebral accidents that do not depend on arterial pressure.
Calcium: Higher concentrations of calcium than in milk; indispensible for the nerves and circulatory system and the formation of bones, teeth, and vital heart functions.
Bismuth: Known to participate in the processing against gastritis caused by bacteria.
Potassium: Participates in the regulation of osmotic pressure; its activity is carried out inside the cells.
Copper: The probable participant in the formation of hemoglobin. Lack of copper can greatly decrease the amount of essential enzymes for the organism.
Zinc: Serves as a cofactor of dehydrogenises and carbonic anhydrite; its lack can cause skin rashes, taste disturbances, and mental lethargy.
Fructose: A sugar used by the seminal plasma for the production of semen/ or spermatozoa.
Phosphorus: Regulates the transmission of neuromuscular chemicals and electrical stimuli. Important for the hemostasis of calcium and the reactions of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. The body's chemical energy is stored in phosphate compounds.
Iron: Vital component of hemoglobin and certain respiratory enzymes. Increased iron intake is important during excessive menses and other instances of blood loss. Deficiency results in anemia, poor growth or difficult pregnancies.
Manganese: In an experimental diet of this element, results demonstrated that it induced growth in animals.
Starch: Calcium and iron, forming chemical compounds that influence the nutrition and health of the consumer.
Silicon: Helps the connective tissues, including the aorta, trachea, tendons, bones, and skin.
Magnesium: Essential for protein synthesis, and activities of muscles and nerves. Deficiency of quality magnesium can cause changes in heart and skeletal muscles.
So, with all of this information, I hope you will try a little Magical Maca. Please share your experiences with us.Try a few of the recipes in the Navitas Naturals video below....heres to your hormonal health!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Move like a Hunter Gatherer

I was enjoying a cup of organic Sumatran this morning while I geared up to head to the lake to do a MovNat workout in nature while I listen to Richard Louv's new book (more on that later!)I checked emails and found this awesome article from Dr.Mercola that I thought I would share. Its right on! Thanks Dr.M, love it!
(Shared Via Mercola Website)
If you want to reduce your risk of chronic disease and live longer, you might want to try behaving like a hunter-gatherer. Hunter-gatherers tended to engage in short bursts of physical activity followed by periods of rest, and health experts are agreeing that this may be a healthier way to live.
Hunter-gatherers probably expended between 800 and 1,200 calories per day in physical activity. The average American today, however, expends only a small fraction of this energy -- with the result being that stamina, muscle strength, and flexibility aren't maintained.
According to Yahoo Health:
“What's more, our inactive ways cause us to miss out on yet more healthful habits enjoyed by hunter-gatherers -- socializing and outdoor living ... Human beings lived for eons as hunter-gatherers, so it's not surprising that our bodies are built to thrive under physically demanding conditions outside.”
Yahoo Health May 24, 2011
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 53 (2011) 471–479 [PDF]
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Just as researchers have uncovered the health benefits of the ancient hunter-gatherer diet, science suggests that following a hunter-gatherer fitness routine may also boost your health. Instead of being sedentary for much of the day and then running for an hour on a treadmill, our ancient ancestors combined lots of walking with regular lifting and short bursts of high-intensity activities.
Unfortunately most of us interested in exercise took an American approach to exercise when Dr. Cooper first popularized exercise in the late 1960s. We took the "more is better" approach and started racking up the miles or hours in the gym or aerobics classes and competing in marathons or triathlons. Turns out that this excessive cardio was likely not much better at improving longevity than being sedentary.
What Does the Research Say About Hunter-Gatherer Fitness?
The idea behind "hunter-gatherer fitness" is to closely emulate the actions that ancient man took on a daily basis. This, researchers say, is what your body is hard-wired for.
As noted in 2010 in The American Journal of Medicine:
"The systematic displacement from a very physically active lifestyle in our natural outdoor environment to a sedentary, indoor lifestyle is at the root of many of the ubiquitous chronic diseases that are endemic in our culture.
The intuitive solution is to simulate the indigenous human activity pattern to the extent that this is possible and practically achievable. Suggestions for exercise mode, duration, intensity, and frequency … [should] focus on realigning our daily physical activities with the archetype that is encoded within our genome."
Likewise, in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, the same group of researchers noted in 2011 that while we still require daily exercises for optimal health, modern-day lifestyles make it so it is no longer a necessity. But since our urge to conserve energy is still intact, this makes a perfect prescription for a sedentary existence:
"The activities required of their day-to-day existence were the only exercises that Stone Age people would have ever needed to do to maintain excellent general fitness. Instincts to conserve energy, strength, and stamina for these obligatory physical efforts conferred survival advantages to the hunter-gatherer. These instincts, still coded for in the genome of modern humans, are now counterproductive in the inactive high-energy milieu in which we live in the 21st century.
Our inborn tendency to choose the path of least resistance while existing in our highly convenient mechanized urban environment means that most Americans rarely, if ever, physically exert themselves anymore, which leads to obesity, poor physical fitness, depression, debility, and disease."
How to Exercise Like a Hunter-Gatherer
The ideal exercise prescription as noted by the researchers would include the following aspects of normal hunger-gatherer living:
A variety of exercises performed regularly (weight training, cardio, stretching, etc.) Alternate difficult days with easier days Exercise outdoors, which helps maintain vitamin D levels and improve mood
Interval training sessions performed once or twice a week Weight training at least twice a week Walk and run on softer, uneven terrain, such as grass and dirt, possibly barefoot or using "simpler shoes that do not drastically restrict foot motion or alter natural foot strike dynamics"
Exercise with a friend to receive social stimulation as well Ample time for rest after physical exertion Recreational activities, including dancing and sex
In general, researchers summed this up by stating:
"Natural selection shaped the human genome not to run marathons or exclusively lift extremely heavy weights but rather to survive and thrive as very active outdoor generalists in the wild."
Peak 8: The Modern Equivalent of Hunter-Gatherer Activity Bursts
Four years ago, the American College of Sports Medicine issued new guidelines on exercise, stating it must be "tough" in order for you to reap physiological benefits. This may seem confusing to some of you, so let's reiterate a couple of key points you should always keep in mind, namely moderation, and individualization.
Your exercise program should be challenging, as it was for our ancestors, but it should not be excessive and it should be paired with ample time for recovery. Just as too much strenuous exercise can hurt your heart, too little will not be enough to give you the benefits.
In essence, it's the proper intensity combined with the proper duration that is critical for producing optimal results. And the optimal intensity will vary from person to person. This falls in line with the growing research showing the superior health benefits of short bursts of high-intensity exercise as was performed by our ancestors, and one of the most effective ways to perform this is with Peak 8.
As described in my Peak 8 program, after a three-minute warm up, you want to raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90 second recovery period. Then repeat that cycle for a total of eight repetitions.
Please note in the video I am performing the Peak 8 on a recumbent bike, which is a great piece of equipment but I now regularly use an elliptical trainer as I find it easier to achieve my maximum heart rate with less stress.
To perform the intense portion properly, you will want to get very close to, if not exceed, your maximum heart rate by the last interval. Your maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus your age. (Keep in mind you'll need a heart rate monitor to measure this as it is nearly impossible to accurately measure your heart rate manually when it is above 150.)
These cycles are preceded by a three-minute warm up and two minute cool down so the total time investment is about 20 minutes, but the actual high-intensity portion totals only four minutes!
This type of exercise will naturally increase your body's production of human growth hormone (HGH) and once you regularly participate in these 20-minute exercises about twice a week, most people notice that it:
•Lowers your body fat
•Dramatically improves muscle tone
•Firms your skin and reduces wrinkles
•Boosts your energy and sexual desire
•Improves athletic speed and performance
•Allows you to achieve your fitness goals much faster
By exercising in short bursts, followed by periods of recovery, you recreate exactly what your body needs for optimum health. The beauty of Peak 8 exercises is that you don't have to worry about the regular, traditional cardio exercises because you're going to get that (and more) anyway through this program. In fact, Peak 8 type exercises can dramatically improve your cardiovascular fitness and fat-burning capabilities in a fraction of the time.
This program much more closely replicates the fitness regimen of our ancestors … and when combined with the other facets of the Peak Fitness program -- strength training, stretching and core work -- you'll transform into a strong and lean version of your former self in no time at all.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Get wild with your honey.......honey!

In my fermentation projects that I have been experimenting with for the past few years....Mead (aka- Honey Wine) has been the most intriguing. In my research, I have learned a great deal of the primitive history of this elixir. Human Beings have recognized the magic and power of fermentation since the beginning of time. A Honey Wine called Mead is generally regarded as the MOST ancient and primitive fermented pleasure. Archeologists believe that human collecting of honey predates our cultivation of the soil. Cave paintings in locations as geographically diverse as India, Spain and Africa depict images of people gathering honey in the Paleolithic era, more than 12,000 years ago. When by chance, Honey is mixed with water fermentation begins. Yeasts surfing through the air aboard particles of dust find their way to the sweet and highly nutritive honey-water. When honey is pure it acts as a preservative and inhibits microscopic life. But diluted honey can become a stimulating medium for airborne yeast to land in and feast upon, and reproduce exponentially, bubbling and vividly alive! Its sugars will be converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide by the action of tiny beings invisible to the human eye. According to Maguelonne Toussaint Samats vast survey “A History of Food”—The child of honey, the drink of Gods, mead was universal. Mead is regarded as the ancestor of ALL fermented drinks and foods. Anthropologist and cultural theorist, Claude Strauss suggests that mead-making marks the passage of humanity from nature. He illustrates the hollow of a tree being the source and vessel for the honey creation. We have lost our sense of instinct to cultivate such primitive elixirs in our sterilized, commercialized, anti-bacterialized world. I highly encourage you to experiment with some cultivated Honey Wine at home. Don’t try it until you have read one of my most cherished books…..Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz. You may find it on my Amazon link below or just google search for more details on Mr.Katz and his workshops and DVD’s. Now get a little wild with your honey….just be careful of the buzzzzzz
Myths/Legends/Lore: It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month or what we know today as the honeymoon.
Honey Mead,
Honey Wine,
Wild Fermentation
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