I received a delivery a few days ago of Paleo People Granola....the first flavor that I just had to sample was the Cacao Nut(because I am afterall, in a 12 step program for chocolate addiction OR I should be!)- I instantly said WOW, this is awesome. This is going to be my Favorite. Then came Banana Nut, the flavors are amazing and the sweetness is just right. I gave my friend Paula a bag of Cappucino Crunch, which she brought to our Saturday, Girls Gone Wild Barefoot Workout. We took a break at about mile 5 and sat at the lake...it was a fabulous treat with a little energy kick(it has coffee beans and all)it fueled another 5 miles of trail running, MovNat and climbing trees. This morning I shared a few bites of Apple Crisp with my kiddo's and REALLY, can the flavors continue to delight my tastebuds? Most importantly, its the first granola that is truly GRAIN free, not just Gluten Free. Even the flavorless, oversweetened Gluten Free granolas in the store, gave me horrible stomach pains and ummm,very UN-Diva like digestive issues. So, I am giving a BIG Primitive Diva high five to www.paleopeople.com for finally give us a REAL food snack designed with our ancestors in mind. Who gathered nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, spices and only natural whole food sweeteners. Absolutely NO grain fillers! Just pure goodness of a Primitive Snack made modern!
Can serve in a bowl with coconut milk, just like cereal!
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