Its really ME …I am back!
I am sorry for my absence but, I had a lot of activity in my world,between getting Three kiddo’s back in the school groove, the primitive princess and her Volleyball schedule, wrapping up the book, and the return of client schedule for my NOURISH Nutrition and Wellness practice.Actually, I have decided to let the book content rest and “gel” a bit. As I began some edit and rewrite of content, I realized, that the message I ORIGINally intended to share with my readers, was NOT all science based and it seemed I had gotten a bit too lengthy. So, I have begun to dissect some of the focused details out, while still including a lengthy reference section, for extended reading for my fellow nutrition geeks. I want this book to be inspiring, empowering and a practical guide, NOT information, statistics and biochemistry overload! I want this to be a book that I could give my busiest friends, mother, sister or neighbor and they could see how easy and simple it is to getting back to basics and embrace a “nature intended” lifestyle (nutrition, fitness, beauty). When I look at the amount of time I spend reading, researching and educating myself---well, most people don’t have the time, desire or need to know that much. I mean the foundation is that we ALL know our world is broken and messed up when it comes to anything relative to our health and well being. Now, we just need to know the steps of returning to what and how our bodies were designed to thrive. In the book I describe my theory on a healthy lifestyle balance that gives a strong visual of our bodies being like a TREE with a ROOT structure. The roots that are responsible for a strong vitality are – Nourishment, Hydration, Sleep, Movement, Nature, Soil (our foundation of support/family/community/relationships) and Climate (perspective of spiritual mindfulness/gratitude/peace). The book is not a cookbook, even though there are recipes. It is not a political expose, despite a few rants from my soapbox and it is certainly not a fad diet book……It is a guide to living a more primitive and intended lifestyle in our toxic modern world. Empowering you to regain your health, your life, our families and in part our WORLD!
Really....someone is actually listening to me?
I have had a few tweeters say, recently….oh, I read your blog. Along with a few people in my local community and even some recent international followers that have connected with me. I was surprised and flattered just knowing that someone would take time to read some of the information that I enjoy sharing. I send a Thank YOU to my readers/followers by “re-launching” the BLOG. Still not saavy enough to transfer to a website (remember….I am PRIMITIVE Diva not TECHIE Diva)but that will come in time….any web people out there who could share some advice? It would be greatly appreciated. However, in a renewed spirit and momentum of Primitive Diva- I am going to be sharing several stories from our WILD sisterhood of Primitive Diva’s. I am so inspired by these women and feel so thankful to call them friend. Today, I would like to introduce Jami Lynn McCormack. I feel confident that you will enjoy getting to know her. She resonates all that a Primitive Diva embodies, especially that intuitive reconnection to our ancestral sisters. Also, please join us on the Primitive Diva Facebook page where we share all kinds of WILDLY practical wisdom.
Welcome to our own, Jami McCormack!
Jami lives in Little Rock, Arkansas and is a Holistic Health Enthusiast! She describes herself as "being born this way." As a child she loved to eat "healthy". It brought her great joy and excitement to eat healthy and feel good. Growing up she was always reading about nutrition, herbs, essential oils, etc. She was just drawn to the things and ways of Nature. She came into the Holistic Health field through the study of Reiki Energy Healing and beginning a yoga practice. Not long after that she discovered the art of Colon Hydrotherpay, cleansing and healing the digestive system. Her latest studies reach into the broad spectrum of individualized health through the Chek Institute Holistic Lifestyle Coaching program. Jami has an understanding that health and happiness have great potetial to be expressed when we tend to all parts of ourselves-physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual.
Her credentials include:
Advanced Level Colon Hydrotherapist
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Certified Body Ecologist
Reiki 2 Practitioner
Primitive Diva in a Modern World
Anyone else having this experience out there?!?! I know I am! And I'm loving it! I am experiencing a freedom and a wildness that has been stuffed down, trying to conform to the modern world and I've realized it doesn't have to be that way. There are ways to nurture the primitive, instinctual self and live in the world nowadays. This has not always felt so free-ing, it has been a journey. A journey physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually. Like many folks my age, I grew up eating processed food, drinking sodas and not knowing anything different. During my early teen years I became very interested in "healthy" eating and "natural" things. This was and is totally an innate desire. As I grew into a young adult I began to have challenges with my body. In my early twenties I began working in the Holistic Health field and studying and learning more and more and more.....until eventually I was a mess! My body had developed celiac disease and hypothyroidism. Now, mid-thirties, it's back to basics. Back to the way Nature intended. Grass fed beef, tallow, pastured chickens and eggs, lamb, etc..organic vegetables (working on more "local") organic fruits, cultured foods and beverages, etc. Basically eating food that was here, provided for us to live and thrive on. We as humans are hunter/gatherers. Nowadays our hunt is to actually find the right kind of food. Find the right people who are caring properly for the animals, the right sources of whole, organic produce, oils, cosmetics, etc. All of these things are so life giving to me that I feel excited when I think about it! I am able to utilize and give expression to the hunter part of me. I feel so blessed to be able to live this way, to nourish my family properly, to use my wild feminine self to find what we need, prepare it, make our house a home, make real food alternatives for the sweet tooth when it hits..I love all of it! I feel like a Wild Queen when I take my salt baths with essential oils and even just using pure, plant based shampoo, deoderant, oils, natural dentistry. I feel like I am in alignment with my soul, with nature. I am still on my journey. I have made great progress and yet I am aware of the ever expanding journey ahead..and I am grateful to be where I'm at. The more I live this way, the stronger I feel, the freer I feel and more open to "what is"..as opposed to living in resistance.
One of my great struggles along this journey was the subject of eating meat. And the fact that many "spiritual" communities believe that it is not right to eat meat, or it clouds you from being in touch with your spirit, or it causes cancer or it is "harmful" to the animals.....being the person that I am, I took this seriously. I genuinely wanted to be led by spirit and yet every time I explored healing my body it was presented to me to eat meat, good fats, etc. what is now known as the "Paleo" or "Primal" lifestyle. At the same time I kept thinking about original people, or cave people, tribal people, and it kept coming to me that they must have been so extremely in tune with their instincts in order to survive the land. In order to hunt the animal to feed and clothe themselves, to live with the laws of nature. How could it possibly be "wrong" to eat meat????? Did not add up to me..at all! That to me is the ultimate spirituality, being in tune, in alignment with our instinct.
After I got diagnosed I just had to let go of what the world thought and give myself over to what was right for me. I am so glad that I did not only for the sake of my health but for the gift of the amazing community that is out there living this way too! Getting back to our ancient ways (as much as we can) and living wild and free! Going outside to move the body, soaking up the sun responsibly ..not being afraid of nature and all it has to offer us, but embracing it, utilizing it's wonderful gifts.
Some of my favorite things:
Living Libations skin care, dental care, deoderant, etc..Oh! and chocolate
Tropical Traditions coconut oil..and EVERYTHING coconut
USWellness Meats....: )
cultured vegetables and beverages
Hiking with my fellow wild woman friend
Connecting with people from my wild self to theirs!
I have been more able to communicate truthfully and with integrity with the cleaning up of my life. Many of the fake foods out there frazzle the natural self. The gut and the mind (brain) are interconnected. Erratic emotional behavior is often times calmed with the proper nutrition. I am a proponent for as many holistic therapies as one chooses. I am very blessed to be married to someone in the medical field because it helps me to know that there are people in the medical field that really care about helping others, and they feel passionate about their medicine. It is different, but it's coming from the same place. I have had to use conventional medicine for diagnoses and to boost my thyroid. This was another challenge I faced. I had to learn how to accept the help I needed and let it help get me going...so I had the energy to do what needed to be done. It is ok. I am on my journey..my plan is to receive complete restoration of my body.....while remaining unattatched to a deadline, just doing the next step that is presented to me.
I hope to be able to help other people create a more natural and wild life for themselves. To find out what their body needs to function optimally, to experience a new found energy and joy. To feel strong and able to express who they truly are....in this modern, convential, conformed world!!!!
I love this journey. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to share on Primitive Diva's blog. Thank you, I am so blessed